Mevrouw van Kleef wrote - Jan.'10:
The spray is very handy to use. It is much more user friendly than the other products that come in the form of a spray. You can use it as often as you like, which makes it very convenient. Furthermore, it does not contain any chemicals which makes it safe for my children to use.
Mevrouw van Kleef wrote - Jan.'10:
The spray is very handy to use. It is much more user friendly than the other products that come in the form of a spray. You can use it as often as you like, which makes it very convenient. Furthermore, it does not contain any chemicals which makes it safe for my children to use.
Family O'Hara Wrote - March '10:
We always have a bottle of XTLuis at our house. When lice gets found in the grade of our daugther, we use the spray on our child in combination with a Licebag, just to be safe.
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